New User: Digital + Media at RISD exhibition 

Exhibition: Friday March 1st Through Sunday March 3rd
Opening Reception: Friday, March 1st

New User is an exhibition of work from students in the Digital + Media graduate program at the Rhode Island School of Design.

The Digital + Media program emphasizes interdisciplinary, research-driven practices in which conceptual intention determines form and media. The exhibit reflects this methodology in the wide variety of media represented. <Make Your Own Dream Lover>, by Joon June Yoon, is based on the theme of sexual objectification in web environments including MMOs, video games, and male-centric online communities. This immersive multi-channel video installation incorporates narrative/performance videos, portrait photography and web VR. In Haunted Machine, Win Liewpairat explores the formula for a ghost story through machine learning. Weng Wei Hsiang’s New Space-Physical Body, presents a pair of beautiful graphite drawings documenting his “walking experiments.” Wei says he is interested in revealing, “the hidden world between what the eyes see and what the body believes.”

Artists in this exhibition include:

Ji Yoon Jen Chung

Stewart Skylar Copeland

Gonzalo Galetto

Weng Wei Hsiang

Zihan Li Iris

HyeJun Kim

Win Liewpairat

Zeyu Ren

Elise Stephens

HyeJun Youn

Joon June Yoon